project facts
competition analysis
Identifying the user needs
structure of the existing website
Secondary Persona
Secondary Persona
Primary Persona
Primary Persona
Secondary Persona
Secondary Persona
usability testing
heuristic evaluation
User journey map
planning the redesign
content model
site map
User opens News card
User selects an option from the menu
User Selects Programs from the menu
User Selects Programs from the menu
User selects undergraduate from teh menu
User selects undergraduate from teh menu
User selects CIT from the program list. Progressive Disclosure used to display information about the program.
User selects CIT from the program list. Progressive Disclosure used to display information about the program.
user feedback on wireframes
Hi-FI prototype
pixel perfect UI
Feel free to interact!
Treejack testing
Pietree for Task 1
usability testing - Redesign
wrapping it up
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