Read the concise version here.
Team and my role

Why walmart?

background research
General Insights

online vs in-store shopping

capturing Primary shopper behavior


competition analysis

feature comparison chart

key design choices

user research

basic statistics

shopping list statistics

heuristic evaluation

contextual inquiry

usability test

Task Analysis

key findings

Ideation and WIRE-FRAMING
Ideating for Solutions

lo-fi user flow for shopping list

Style guide

the Overhaul
Primary design choices

Shopping list revamp

Add to list from search result page
1. Add to List button on search result page.
2. "Add to List" button is more prominent on the product page.
3. Item highlighted when added to list.
Add to list using the FAB - Instant Search
Shoppers can now add items to the list by typing and instantly searching for an item.
Solves Friction Point 5 by removing extra steps when shopper adds item to list.

Add to list using the FAB - Lazy Search
Shoppers can still add to list as plain text and search for an item later.
Move/Copy items to another list
Shoppers can now move or copy an item from one list to another.
Solves Friction Point 8 by allowing shoppers to move/copy items to multiple lists.

Delete item from list by swipe
Shoppers can move, copy or delete items from list by swiping left on the item.
Merge List
Shoppers can now merge two or more lists to create a temporary shopping list.

Clear List - Long Press
Shoppers can now press and hold on Lists to clear, delete or merge them.
Solves Friction Point 2 by allowing the shopper to press and hold on the list for action menu, thus making the interface intuitive.
Add to List using Voice search - List FAB
Solves Friction Point by allowing the shopper to search and add an item instantly from the FAB using voice search.

Augmented Reality shopping assistant

Discounts and Promotions
Our Contextual Inquiry revealed that shoppers want to find items that are on sale and items that are available seasonally.

Highlight Items in current Aisle
Once the shopper reaches an aisle, the AR assistant highlights the items from the shopping list in that aisle.
Seasonal Items
Our Contextual Inquiry revealed that along with discounts and promotions, shoppers also want to know when seasonal items are on sale.
This feature allows the shopper to choose seasonal filter and see all available items nearby.

Picking up and Scanning item
The shopper picks and scans the items from the shopping list (or otherwise).

Dynamic Navigation
Our Contextual Inquiry and survey research also revealed that shoppers like to add & remove items as and when they shop.
The AR assistant allows editing the shopping list on the go and modifies the path based on the modified list.
